BrightSign works with Signagelive to upgrade signage at two leading research centres in Australia
BrightSign announces a collaboration with Signagelive to bring a complete signage solution to The Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research in Australia. The installation covers 2 Perkins Research Institute facilities to manage the creation, scheduling and delivery of content to a large number of LED screens, information boards and large foyer banner displays, all of which are used for internal digital signage communications. BrightSign players were selected for their high reliability and ease of use.
Founded in 1998, the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research has grown to become one of Australia’s leading adult medical research centres. 450 research and trial staff work across two new state-of-the-art research facilities, in conjunction with the major teaching hospitals. Their foyer exhibitions space is accessible to the public during weekdays and regular tours give supporters the opportunity to see cutting-edge research taking place. The spaces are also available for venue hire. The aim of the new installation was to increase platform reliability and keep time spent managing the system to a minimum.
Commenting, Andy Crowhurst, Facilities Operations Manager of the Harry Perkins Institute said, “The reliability of the Signagelive CMS on the BrightSign media player is outstanding. Given our existing inflexible proprietary signage infrastructure, Signagelive and BrightSign have been the proverbial breath of fresh air, delivering significant cost savings, reducing administration overheads and providing a solution that is far more agile in presenting content. In addition, Amped Digital had provided highly effective implementation and ongoing support services and the combination is highly recommended.”
He added, “Our existing solution was at the end of life and going out of support. Signagelive was the most cost effective, functional and flexible replacement solution that we evaluated. It is a very complete solution that doesn’t need lots of training, doesn’t consume huge amounts of time to maintain and is reliable in operation. There was considerable time and effort in the analysis and design stages and we didn’t lose much time dealing with unexpected issues. Overall it was a quick and well-executed project completed ahead of schedule and within budget. The signage is a vital and valuable part of our communications strategies and our brand and therefore it has provided major business benefit to the institute.”
Nick Curulli, Business Development Manager of Australia for Signagelive, said, “The best result of the project was the ability to give the key users at the institute a reliable and simple way to run their signage across multiple sites with the ability to add users as they please with 20 – 30 minutes worth of training. As an example, one of the users was having to log in to the previous platform and update the weather each day; this is now automated and has cut down time spent on management significantly across the board. “
“BrightSign players were chosen due to their exceptional reliability in these fast-paced environments. The POE+, and the frame-accurate synchronisation simplified system design and installation. The close integration between the players and the Signagelive CMS means that content management is simple. Rectifying issues remotely and troubleshooting is a walk in the park when compared to competitor hardware solutions.”
Jeff Hastings, BrightSign’s CEO, commented, “We’re delighted to make the facilities of the Harry Perkins Institute even more friendly and functional. This project serves as the perfect example of how updated digital signage solutions can improve not only a building’s aesthetic but contribute to the overall smooth running of a valuable educational facility.”
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